(Due to a limited ability to post resources here, we are working on a new website that will offer much more. Stay tuned!!!!)


Push Health

All Day Chemist   (from India)

Early Treatment Protocols

Dr. Zev Zelenko


Clinics that will treat Covid 

The Doctors Office (4 locations across WI)

Doctors across the country

Find articles on Effective Covid-19 Treatments

Pharmacies in WI that will fill IVM and HCQ

MD Custom Rx in Brookfield

Jerome Drugs in Muskego

Pharmacies (cont.)

Ye Olde Pharmacy in Cedarburg

Smart Script  in Oshkosh

Pharmacies (cont.)

Custom Health in Green Bay

See Telehealth options above for more pharmacies across the country and world

Preventative Treatment Recommended by Dr. Peter McCullough

The following preparations act as both a preventative as well as treatment. The main ingredient is 10% Povidone-Iodine (e.g. Betadine) which is a potent anti-microbial product effective against a wide range of infections including bacterial, viral, and fungal organisms. In clinical trials, a Povidone-Iodine solution as dilute as 0.23% has been shown to be 99.99% effective as an antiviral treatment (in vitro) in just 30 seconds.

Note: Rare allergic reactions have been reported with use of Povidone-iodine (PVD-I). PVD-I should not be used in patients undergoing radioactive iodine treatment, pregnant patients, and those with thyroid dysfunction.

Product Preparation:
Make the following two solutions with 10% Povidone-Iodine (e.g. Betadine) which will be used for both the oral rinse and nasal flush. Our solutions call for 1.5 oz of water which is the approximate volume held by a shot glass. Dispose of any leftover solution at the end of the day.

0.5% Dilute Solution:
1.5 oz sterile or tap water
1/2 tsp of 10% PVD-I
pinch of salt

LEGAL RESOURCES (under construction but the links added so far will work)

Find attorneys to help fight mandates

National Attorneys

Thomas Renz

Wisconsin Attorneys